Christian Sanctification of Supremacy
Christian organizations are dedicated to indoctrinating the performance social roles, the worship of supremacy, and demonizing the individual creation of self
Let’s talk about how Christianity functions as the sanctification of patriarchal social roles in service of worshiping supremacy. We’ll expand on our previous chat about Christian culture conditioning women to view the highest expression of femininity as a performance of codependent martyrdom that produces salvation for men to consume.
What salvation are women providing to men by sacrificing their individuality, purpose, and autonomy through total submission in marriage? The work of creating the basic needs of life and experiencing consequences for poor male behavior and enabled masculine narcissism.
Christian narratives around marriage are about enforcing male narcissistic exploitation as the standard of partnership. It instills the expectation that two become one - and not in the sexy Spice Girls kind of way.
Christian marriages are not the union of two sovereign people entering a loving commitment, but the forging of two incomplete and codependent people into one functional entity - under the man’s exclusive authority.
The man subsumes the woman as an appendage and means of production within his own self concept. The woman is no longer a separate person with distinct needs and desires, she is now a FUNCTION of his needs and desires. As a FUNCTION of this man and not a person, she loses all rights to dissent or demand recourse for violations against her personhood.
Complementarianism is a tool to sanctify social roles of codependent extraction. Basically, it’s a religious theory arguing that men and women are assigned different but complementary roles assigned by (a male) God. Performance of this assigned role is mandatory under implied threat of eternal damnation. These traditional gender norms favor and profit men while overburdening and subjugating women as machinery, as a subhuman means of production under male authority and for male use.
Complementarianism is designed to gloss over the realities of extraction and narcissistic abuse that it promotes as ideal partnership. It’s a way to dress up male entitlement to own women as their private for profit means of production as some virtuous arrangement that serves everyone (not true).
In my last article and YouTube video, we did a deep dive deconstructing the patriarchal myth that women find purpose through marriage and relationships with men. We established that relationships cannot provide individual purpose. Loving relationships are wonderful, but can only exist between two sovereign individuals who cultivate their own purpose outside of the confines of that relationship.
Seeking purpose through relationship - as Christian and patriarchal cultures instruct women to do - is actually the dynamic of harvesting meaning from another by forcibly centering yourself (through self sacrificing service) within their life and centering their perception of you as your own self concept.
This leads to enmeshment and intentionally or unintentionally abusive patterns of manipulation and coercive control to continuously harvest meaning from the other.
Purpose is individually created - it is the experience of intentionally developing individual potential. Relationships cannot offer that.
But that’s what patriarchal relationships pretend to offer women while actually being a system of supremacy where men are encouraged to narcissistically use and dominate women for profit.
Narcissism is the opposite of love - it is domination and extraction. Love is the PRACTICE of knowledge and care.
Christian Sanctification of Narcissistic Dynamics
Christianity is devoted to sanctifying patriarchal narcissism and inflicting it upon the entire population as the REQUIRED social order. A missionary’s goal is to “save” others by coercing them into accepting patriarchal extraction and, ultimately, the worship of supremacy itself, as God’s will and law.
This is why the church invented a male God - made in man’s image - who hates and punishes creators. The church teaches that childbirth - women’s ability to co-create life with God - is a punishment. It is punishment for original sin and women are required to produce life under male dominion as penance.
A frequently cited scripture interpreted in support of this view is Timothy 2:15, where Paul writes, "But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety”
This conditioning that women are saved by being male owned machinery of production is designed to sanctify men seizing control of women’s God given role as the co-creators of life. It also serves to discourage honest and open conversations about the dangerous realities of pregnancy and childbirth by upholding reproduction as the exclusive and mandatory path for a woman’s salvation.
It disguises the potentially life threatening dangers of childbirth by focusing on the salvation it offers - babies are blessings and to acknowledge the dangers and costs of childbirth to women is conflated with rejecting God and all that is good.
Straight up, I didn’t know anything about pregnancy until I saw Ali Wong’s Baby Cobra special and I was horrified to hear just a slice of the realities of that experience. It inspired me to learn more and I was shocked at how dangerous and physically, mentally, and emotionally expensive the process is for women. Because we are discouraged to speak those truths openly - it’s unseemly to recognize publicly.
Open discussion makes patriarchal men uncomfortable because they are not interested in loving and knowing women. They feel entitled to reproduce and dominate women regardless of the cost inflicted upon her. Patriarchy artificially promises men that they are entitled to procreate with a woman as some biological need when in reality there is no species where every male is entitled to produce offspring.
Patriarchy as a system is designed to remove mandates that men compete to prove their worthiness of being chosen by a woman to procreate with by subjugating women as property, guaranteeing men control populations. Hoarding all resources by denying women economic independence required women to compete for men to access resources and ensured that any man with a paycheck was guaranteed a wife and producer.
This goes back to the culture of male narcissism and is expressed in how disinterested male and Christian lawmakers are about the deadly effects of banning abortion and reproductive healthcare.
They do not care about making laws that deny women medical treatment like abortions that result in countless women dying unnecessarily and leaving their existing children motherless. Because when a machine fails, you just replace it. And women are machines for male use. That’s what patriarchy fundamentally is dedicated to - unnaturally propagating male supremacy to disastrous effects for humanity and the health of the world at large.
Christian Belief: Salvation is Harvested by Martyring Another
At the heart of the Christian doctrine is an externalized theory of salvation that promotes narcissistic extraction and willful self annihilation. Jesus died on the cross to give YOU salvation - you consume salvation from Jesus’s willing sacrifice.
Christian belief assumes that salvation isn’t something an individual creates or embodies for their own self - just as purpose is not something an individual creates or embodies for their own self. Salvation and purpose is something to be consumed from the martyrdom and crucifixion of another.
This is translated into teaching women that their ROLE is to martyr themselves to save men. This is done by total submission to serving men - saving men from the work of maturing basic life skills like self control, the ability to emotionally regulate, the effort of practicing love through knowledge and action, and all labor related to meeting basic human needs like cooking, cleaning, caring for children autonomously, proactively managing households needs, etc.
Women are taught to martyr themselves to create life and to only exist to serve the needs of others - men first, then children. Dying from preventable pregnancy complications is just par for the course. The role of the martyr is what must be maintained - the woman fulfilling that role for a man is disposable the same way that machinery components are.
Patriarchy and Christian culture encourage men to view their own masculinity as the ability to dominate and extract from women as machines. It is the woman’s responsibility to produce his masculinity by submitting to being the MACHINERY of his life through willing self sacrifice.
Men consume masculinity through extracting from women as machines, not people - that experience of harvesting and feeling centered in her existence is how men are taught to experience their masculinity. Their masculinity is thus externalized the same way salvation is by Christian belief.
Christian culture facilitates the male cosplay of leadership and contribution by relying on the conditioned martyrdom, sacrifice, and scapegoating of women for male benefit. Christian marriage is dedicated to upholding and perpetuating this cycle and encouraging women to willingly embrace this role while requiring nothing from men.
Men do not sacrifice their individual purpose or prosperity in marriage - they consume the martyrdom of women to further advance their individual goals and prosperity. This perpetual centering of men is the dysfunctional heart of patriarchy and Christian belief.
Heart of Christian Supremacy
That is the heart of all of this - male supremacy and the entitlement to extract from women to further their individual goals and life while deflecting accountability for meeting any standards by scapegoating women for their own failures, immaturity, and destructive patterns. This is the dynamic of supremacy.
Christian slogans like “Be his peace” is a platitude instructing women to absorb male chaos, malice, immaturity, and dysfunction - to absorb it, heal it, deal with it, whatever is necessary to absorb the consequences of his own lack of cultivation to ensure he never has to.
This platitude is used to excuse and justify how men use women’s bodies to vent their anger, resentments, and inadequacies to emotionally regulate. Regardless of the experience for women - which is disgusting. It’s all par for the course when women are dehumanized as the shock absorbers for men - the tools for men to vent without facing consequences and the tool to regulate and soothe that man to ensure he doesn’t become a problem for the larger community.
Using women as the shock absorbers for male irresponsibility and immaturity is necessary to perpetuate Church standards of empowering men without requiring any standard of conduct or maturity. There are no standards or mechanisms within the church for holding men accountable for the harm they cause behind closed doors.
Instead, the church focuses on counseling women through shame to continue to be the shock absorbers for the community - you take that abuse quietly and martyr yourself to save him from accountability and to save us all from having to confront it directly and deal with this intentionally enabled male rot.
This is why Christian forgiveness is the only available script. No matter the violations, a man can say the script of I’m sorry, I repent, Jesus forgive me and that’s it.
It’s now, once again, it’s the woman’s job to absorb his continuous harm and the only repair is everyone praising that man for being so strong in repeating the script to avoid any meaningful accountability.
Women are crucified instead of holding men accountable - because men refuse to hold each other accountable. That’s not why men participate in Christian organization - they join churches to consume feeling pious and righteous without actually having to do any work or development to practice love, or to practice leading by enacting consequences against other men who harm. It’s a “moral” name tag and nothing else.
Men respond to other men and that’s how the structures of the church require it to be - and there is radio silence when it’s time to hold men accountable for their corruption, abuse, and hateful self centered behaviors.
This is why sex abuse is such a rampant issue across all churches - Catholic, Southern Baptist Conference, it doesn’t matter - sex abuse is a SYSTEMIC issue in Christian organizations. And that’s by design.
When you preach that men are entitled to own women, to pass judgment, and to punish women by birthright without enforcing any standards for that man, you create predators. When you preach that women must serve men without question, perform submission and labor for his benefit, and remain silent about abuses experienced, you enable predators. It’s structural and intentional - not some regrettable and unforeseeable externality of true faith and worship of the divine.
Churches are hotbeds for sexual predators because they provide a veneer of morality that only exists to deflect accountability and perpetuate abuse as some perverse expression of righteousness.
Moral Mirage of Christian Supremacy Worship
Because, fundamentally, Christian organizations are dedicated to enforcing supremacy based social roles and projecting an image of righteousness and purity is effective propaganda. Fostering that mirage of moral integrity is what churches care about - not the substantive work of developing a spiritual self by taking conscious accountability for the intention and impact of your presence and actions on others.
The purpose of Christian belief is indoctrinating the performance of supremacy oriented social roles at the expense of the individual creation of self. The church functions to launder the depravity of supremacy and manufacture compliance.
This is why they teach that creation is punishment or sin.
Christian teachings that state or imply that creating self outside of the narrow performance of assigned gender roles is a sin functions to instill fear as a person’s guiding force. The goal is to condition people to fear creating their own identities, to fear learning, to fear holding each other accountable within their own groups, and to fear anyone and anything that exists outside of their ideal hierarchy of supremacy and submission. That fear conditioning empowers the church as the supreme force for people to obey and teaches people to suspect thy neighbor, not love thy neighbor. To punish thy neighbor, not turn the other cheek.
Ultimately, Christian culture seeks to condition people to fear living outside of church controlled defined patriarchal social roles and to fear and shame any other who doesn’t conform as evil and sinful and requiring punishment.
Enacting hell on Earth for people who live outside of assigned patriarchal social roles is the highest Christian virtue. Doing the devil's work to harm, punish, and subjugate others is what Christian organizations define living God’s will.
Because Christianity is the worship of supremacy itself, not Jesus Christ.
The opposite of supremacy is creation. This is why Christian doctrine demonizes all forms of creation and expressions of free will. Sanctifying supremacy and enforcing the performance of supremacy social roles is what Christianity stands for - no more, no less.
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